Our 2015 European Adventure

Sunday, 6.28.2015

With a good night’s sleep we went to the breakfast buffet at our hotel. Crepes, croissants (they had run out when we got there), baguettes, yogurt, cheeses and a great coffee machine that made café, hot milk, cappuccinos and lattes but no decaf options. Fortunately the bar made café au lait in decaf. And of course, orange juice was available.

Only one destination for the day in Lyon, the Cathedral of Notre Dame at the top of the funicular. 5.50 euros for an all-day metro pass per person (including the funicular) and off we go. Metro B to Metro D and the F2 to the chapel. It’s a beautiful Sunday morning as we approach the cathedral and wow, what a surprise! 11:00 a.m. mass has just started and the church is lit and quite full of people. The candles and lights make the gold and other colors just sparkle. The priest was speaking (wish we understood French) and then the occasional singing (choir included) as the organ rang out and the Eucharist was served. Goosebumps for Lynn and me!!! And in true Catholic fashion, the gift store was next door and another smaller chapel to light candles – in one, two or three euro sizes. Gotta pay for these cathedrals.

After our time in the mass we explored the view from the top of the hill. It was a spectacular panoramic view of Lyon with the Saone and Rhone rivers and numerous historic buildings, statues and parks. We began our descent via the stairs and walking paths past gardens and other monuments. It is a warm day so any shade is appreciated.

Eventually we arrive at the Gare de St. Paul and numerous restaurants, including the “Elephant and Castle”, just like we have in downtown Seattle. There are street vendors along the Saone so we browse and then buy an art piece of Lyon (a painting with a resin finish). Then it is lunch time. We found a place with burgers, frites and cole slaw and Lynn adds a martini blanc and we share a bottle of Provence rose. All good.

After lunch it’s time to walk some more. Across the Saone and on to find the Rhone. Through the “shopping zone” – one of many on the map – and past great statues and magnificent buildings. But it is hot and we are fading. Time to head for our hotel. While on the way to our hotel and Gare Part Dieu we stumble into a shopping mall. This was a good accidental find as we need their “toilettes” and our “potty coins”. Memories of mom. After cooling down and relieving pressure we check out the mall. Very modern and snazzy and they had a Pandora store. Surprise, they have a Lyon charm (actually two lion options). Lynn picks one and the sales lady shows us the new collection with a sparkly anchor with blue stones. How “boating” appropriate. So, it’s two charms and off to our hotel to cool down and begin packing.

After our hot afternoon walk we asked the bartender for an ice bucket as we had the Cremant from Tim and Debbie to drink on our final evening. We got a great heavy plastic bag (reusable, can you say our boat?) full of ice. In went the Cremant while we hit the tub. Then we made mimosas with the fresh squeezed orange juice we bought at the mall. We pack all we can and then head to the far side of the station to find dinner. After some walking and finding several restaurants that were closed on the weekends (odd) we pick one near the station with salmon carpaccio (Lynn) and pepper steak (Dave). We share a white burgundy and head to our hotel for a nightcap. Lynn has a ruby port (three euros) and I have my last red burgundy. Perfect end to a perfect day. The alarm is set and we’re ready for our 8:30 a.m. express train ride the next morning toi the airport and a return to home, family, friends, work (to pay for this and our next adventure) and Abigail and Princess.

Au revior, France. Until next time.